An Easy Getaway at the Timbrook Guesthouse


Who says a getaway means driving hours away from home? You might discover your next vacation is right next door at the Timbrook Guesthouse.

By Nicholas Dekker


The family-run Timbrook Guesthouse, located off Olentangy River Road across from Antrim Park, features the 1875 southern colonial mansion and four acres of lush grounds, all originally part of the old Antrim estate. The house and the grounds have been transformed into the perfect place for a family gathering, a weekend staycation, or even a relaxing overnight stay for two.

The house features six cozy and well-appointed rooms, and includes common areas where you can relax with a book, play chess, or catch up with friends. An upstairs common room off the main hallway offers views of the grounds, the new gazebo, the pool, and the patios.

Be sure to spend some time strolling the Guesthouse grounds. You’ll discover colorful flowers overflowing on the brick-lined walkways, bubbling fountains, and plenty of chairs on the patio. Depending on the time of day, you may hear birds singing, warbling, and calling. The Dole family, owners of the Guesthouse, care for a stunning collection of birds. Find your way to the birdcage at the back of the gardens to see macaws, cockatoos, and other exotic birds. If you’re lucky, they may strike up a conversation with you.


Timbrook Guesthouse also includes a swimming pool and a hot tub, both nestled amongst the well-kept landscape. So you can swim a few laps in the pool or kick back in an Adirondack chair to read a book, or watch from the hot tub for hummingbirds and butterflies flitting about the gardens.



Breakfast is included in the stay at the Guesthouse, and usually incorporates ingredients grown on-site, like fresh eggs from the chickens, honey from the beehives, or herbs and vegetables picked in the gardens. Breakfast dishes vary each morning, but you can count on a comforting and tasty meal. So find a seat in the breakfast nook and enjoy a little culinary pampering to start your day!

Timbrook Guesthouse
5811 Olentangy River Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235
(419) 560-3263
Find them on Facebook and @timbrook_guesthouse on Instagram

The stay at the Timbrook Guesthouse was complimentary.

Nicholas Dekker